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JLIUENATOR - cybersecurity translator for the people

Julie Liu
Aug 22, 2022
Defining the System Boundary. It Matters.
HUH? Did I lose you already? Well, that definitely lost me. But hold on, it’s not that complicated. Think about your emotions, your...

Julie Liu
Nov 21, 2021
When a Trusted Employee Becomes Your Biggest Liability In our era of Internet technologies, where information travels with a “faster than...

Julie Liu
Oct 7, 2020
The Social Dilemma We Must Address
As a veteran user of social media and a parent of teenage kids, I decided to watch, “The Social Dilemma”. With plenty of time on my...

Julie Liu
Mar 31, 2020
So You've Declared a Disaster. Now What?
Mitigation => Contain, Eradicate, Recover. Document. Your critical computer systems have become infected beyond repair. An insurmountable...

Julie Liu
Mar 21, 2020
When You Ignore the Warning Signs
Let's look at the big "cyber" data breaches that have affected millions of Americans over the past 10 years. Target Corporation 2013 Home...

Julie Liu
Mar 18, 2020
When "Real Life" Viruses Attack
Today is day 2 of public schools in our region being cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus and all its unknowns. I cannot help but make the...

Julie Liu
Mar 8, 2020
What the heck is the OSI model and why should you care?
March 8, 2020 If you are not in technology, or even if you are, do you know what the OSI model is? Prior to last year, I did not either,...

Julie Liu
Mar 4, 2020
March 3 - Academic Achievement, Age, Human Behavior, and Getting Hacked
Your College Degree - doesn't matter when it comes to being a victim From my initial survey, 81 out of 134 respondents (ranging from 12...

Julie Liu
Feb 12, 2020
Week 3 - Results
I have collected over 100 responses, so thank you to everyone who has weighed in on my initial set of questions. I made a few interesting...

Julie Liu
Jan 29, 2020
Day One (or Zero)
Day zero. I just completed my survey questions to gage the level of technical knowledge and engagement of my wider community.
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